Katosi Women Development Trust UK
KWDT projects for self-managed women's groups
Entreprenuerial Development
Enterprise Development
Initiating income generating activities - tank building, bee keeping, mushroom farming, fish farming, yoghurt production, soap making
Training in book keeping, record keeping, entrepreneurial skills
Co-operative Marketing activities – milk sales, processing, yoghurt making, buying, fruit trees and animal fodder
Integrated Sustainable Agriculture
Acquisition of animal, seeds and plants for organic farming
Equipping women with knowledge and skills for sustainable, back-yard agriculture
Engaging in complementary agricultural production, agro forestry, mushroom growing, bee keeping, fish farming, horticulture and bio gas production
Micro Finance
Access to credit
Promoting a culture of saving
Empowering Women in Africa
Mentoring Women for participation in decision making at community and district level
Leadership, human rights and advocacy training
Advocating for community recognition of women’s rights and abilities and for gender equality
Establishing Advocacy Clubs and conducting community dialogues
Capacity building to ensure sustainability for the results of the programmes
Training women to train others in the community
Water, Hygiene and Sanitation for families and local schools
Construction of domestic and communal rain water harvesting tanks, community shallow wells, spring wells, drying racks and tippy tap
Provision of Ventilated Pit latrines and Ecological Sanitation (Esosan) latrines
Establishing school Health and Sanitation Clubs
Training for women in hygiene and sanitation
Local management and maintenance of water, hygiene and sanitation facilities
HIV/AIDS Awareness, Malaria and Water Related Diseases Programmes
HIV/AIDS Awareness raising
Providing guidance, counselling and referrals for infected women
Advocating for improved services and rights for those living with HIV/AIDS
Infant, Reproductive and Maternal Health Programmes
Training in infant, reproductive and maternal health.
Encouraging mutual support within self-managed groups
Advocating for improved health services
Donate now and know that you can make a lasting difference
KWDT achieving MDGs
KWDT programmes specifically address the achievement of 4 key Millennium Development Goals
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Promote gender equality and empower women
Improve maternal health
Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & other diseases