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Nothing works faster than a cow to help a family break free of poverty and establish a sustainable productive livelihood. In KWDT self managed group, the women decide who should have a cow, provide training in husbandry and make micro finance available for part funding of the cost of the cow. The beneficiary undertakes to pay her share of the costs back over 3 years and passes any female calves back to the group for another women on the waiting list. 

One cow                                                   £575.00
Local contribution (permit to transport,
fuel, loading ropes, etc)                            £  57.50
construction of cow shed                          £172.50
Total cost                                                  £805.00
Income & Benefits            
  •  annual income of £172
  • 1.5 litres of milk a day for family consumption and sale of surplus

  • clean energy from the production of biogas from dung and urine.  Surpluses are sold

  • women and children freed from collecting fire wood gain up to 4 hours a day for backyard farming 

  • slurry for fertilising organic vegetables which feed the family and produce up to £89 a year in income.  

cow revolving scheme

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Donate now and know that you can make a lasting difference 

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their lives in their hands

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